Important Texas Workers’ Comp Deadlines
If you or a loved one is hurt or gets sick because of work duties, Texas workers’ compensation benefits may be available. Although employees who are covered by workers’ compensation cannot sue their employers if they suffer a work-related illness or injury, they may file a claim for medical care and income benefits.
Making a workers’ compensation claim may seem like a simple process, but the reality is that there are many legal pitfalls along the way. You could face a denial of benefits, or be awarded less benefits than you deserve. You could also miss a deadline, which could jeopardize your eligibility for benefits and leave you without the money you need to get medical care or take care of yourself and family. You need to be proactive and protect your rights, and often this means hiring an experienced workers’ compensation lawyer to help with your claim.
Abbott, Clay & Bedoy L.L.C. has represented many clients throughout their work injury cases. Our attorneys will take care of filing paperwork, following up on your claim and ensuring you meet all Texas workers’ compensation deadlines. Call today to schedule a consultation to learn more.
Texas Workers’ Comp Deadlines You Should Know
There are many different deadlines that you need to be aware of throughout the process of making a workers’ compensation claim. For example, some of the different Texas workers’ compensation deadlines include:
- 30 days to make a report of your injury to your employer. You should make a report within 30 days of the time when the accident happened or when you were diagnosed with a workplace illness or injury. The sooner you can make your claim, the easier it may be to prove the injury was work related.
- 90 days to dispute an Impairment Rating, which may come from a treating doctor; designated doctor; referral doctor or required medical examiner. Your impairment rating may be used to determine the amount of compensation benefits you receive as well as whether you are entitled to supplemental income benefits.
- 10 days to dispute a denial of a request to change your doctor, or to dispute a denial of a request to extend your Maximum Medical Improvement after undergoing a spinal surgery.
- Seven days to submit a Supplemental Income Benefits application. These must be submitted each quarter, seven days before the quarter begins.
- 10 days to respond to a request by the insurance carrier to undergo a Required Medical Exam.
- 15 days to appeal a decision that is made in a Contested Case hearing.
- 20 days after a benefits review conference to agree to arbitration or decline arbitration.
- 30 Days after an appeal decision is made to request a judge in state district court review the case.
These are just some of the different deadlines that you need to meet. It is very important that you do not miss any deadline or you could end up jeopardizing the ability to get the benefits you deserve.
Getting Help with Texas Workers’ Comp Deadlines
Abbott, Clay & Bedoy L.L.C. attorneys have helped many clients in Texas with workers’ compensation claims. We will be there for you every step of the way, advising you of your rights and obligations and fighting to get you the full amount of workers’ compensation benefits available to you. Call today to schedule a consultation and learn more about how our Texas work injury lawyers can help you.
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