Defense Base Act Claims
Overseas Defense Base Contractor Injuries
The Defense Base Act is a law that provides income and medical benefits for those who are injured or fall ill while working as civilian employees of defense contractors working under a U.S. Government contract anywhere in the world.
Defense base workers and other civilian employees are exposed to a number of dangers in their workplace. If you are an employee of a civilian contractor injured while working under a U.S. Government contract in Iraq, Afghanistan, Kuwait, or anywhere in the world, we can help you.
Many of these overseas workers contract illnesses related to the prolonged exposure or breathing of hazardous fumes, dust and other harmful substances created by “burn pits” and other sources of pollutants and toxins.
Other defense workers are injured in the scope of their employment while performing their expected duties.
The Defense Base Act affords compensation benefits and medical benefits to those engaged in employment, such as:
- Civilian contractors working abroad under a U.S. government contract.
- Any military, air, or naval base acquired by the United States.
- Upon land occupied or used by the government for military or naval purposes in any territory or possession outside the continental United States.
- Any public work in any territory or possession outside the continental United States if the employee is engaged under the contract of a contractor with the United States.
If you or someone you love has been injured as a result of working abroad for a contractor operating under a U.S. Government contract, we can help. The Attorneys at Abbott, Clay & Bedoy, LLC can help you get the benefits and help you deserve. Call today.
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Abbott, Clay & Bedoy attorneys are licensed only in the state of Texas unless otherwise indicated in the biographical section. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. We consider employment in another State only in association with co-counsel licensed in that State. References to laws are limited to federal and State of Texas law.